Filemaker pro script examples if
Filemaker pro script examples if

filemaker pro script examples if

we use server side scripts with our fmSMS solution to enable our clients to have the sending of the SMS messages performed by FileMaker Server instead of the client application. xml file to be downloaded each day from a URL and imported into a file that then conditionally updates and creates new records in related tables and logs the execution

filemaker pro script examples if filemaker pro script examples if

Some examples of how I’m using FileMaker Server Side scripts include: It didn’t even rate a mention in the original press release but it’s become a very important tool in my developer bag ever since. The ability to schedule the execution of FileMaker Scripts – that is scripts created in ScriptMaker/Manage Scripts using FileMaker Pro/FileMaker Pro Advanced client application – under FileMaker Server was one of the sleeper features when it was first introduced in FileMaker Server v9 in July, 2007.

Filemaker pro script examples if